Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Michelle & John's Newport, RI Wedding- St. Augustine Catholic Church & OceanCliff

Raina Dawn Events "Platinum Wedding" continues!!

There were tons of details that went into planning Michelle & John's affair.   When Michelle and I first started planning her wedding day she told me "I LOVE RED!".  So I went to work on executing Michelle's vision and carefully using red in summer.  Michelle had a modern, chic taste, and wanted to balance that with the coastal elegance of Newport.  Mother-of-the bride, Gloria, had a very traditional style that we wanted to incorporate as well.  The result- the ultimate in class and sophistication...but most importantly joy!

beautiful letterpress wedding invitations 
(we chose a bold damask liner to give it flare)

Michelle's stunning Marisa dress

fabulous bronze and crystal shoes

something blue given to her the day of her wedding from her bridemaids

a stunning heirloom necklace Michelle's father gives her on the morning of her wedding

the relaxed groom

"Platinum Weddings" filming Michelle and seeing how she is feeling before heading off to the church...she is so excited!!

John getting rady to head to the church

Michelle's gorgeous bouquet

loving the red damask print couch that just happened to be there 
and not only looked gorgeous with the bridal bouquets, 
but perfectly matched all of the printed materials we did...
I couldn't have propped that better!

red rose wreaths for our flower girls

girls and their shoes

love how happy my bride is

the bridesmaids radiant in red headed to the church

the gogreous programs with the red damask

I love Mariah's quote "Speaking of model... 
when I photographed John & Michelle's photo date... 
John thanked me for working my magic and making him look good... is he kidding?!"

precious little beauty

another little love

Michelle and her dad

like Mariah says...Michelle has an angel face

excited to walk down the aisle any minute

simply stunning

she's ready

heping my bride to St. Augustine's church for her full Catholic Mass

Michelle and dad ready to go

love this

off they go...
how breathtaking is Michelle's mantilla lace cathedral length veil
(a custom order we did for her in NYC)

check back on Thursday for the ceremony and more...

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